4th Cambridge International Certificate Award Ceremony

On Saturday December 11th, the fourth edition of the Cambridge Certificate awarding Ceremony took place, in a spirit of sharing and with a feeling of pride, between testimonies of the students, speeches of the direction and voltige of the gowns.

A formal ceremony organized according to a well-defined schedule by Cambridge, organized exclusively by the Cambridge English Schools.

At the same time, it provides an overview of the sequence of different certifications, necessary for our students to reach higher levels.

Congratulations to all our students, from starters and movers to high school students, all of whom attended and excelled in the exams, achieving top results at national and world level.

Indeed, the students, prepared for A2 and B2, have validated respectively B1 and C1, thus raising the colors of the school Le Sud, the city of Marrakech and Morocco to the first world rank of Cambridge English Schools.

With the achievement of Cambridge English Certificates ; the Sudists see the doors to a bright future opening up before them.

As a reminder, Le Sud is the only school in Marrakech with Cambridge English School label since 2020.


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